tractor factory-10
Specifications Model OG Horsepower 40 45 50 60 70 80 Wheel Drive 4 ×4 (4×2) Dimension(L*W*H)mm 2500× 1200× 1 100 2620× 1250× 1 160 3655× 1420×2120 Weight (kg) 1020-1210 1250-1290 1610 1640 Front wheel Tread (mm) 970, 1200, 1300 adjustable 1000, 1200, 1300 adjustable 1093 1070 Rear Wheel (mm) 1000-1300 unlimited adjustable 1000、1200 、1300 adjustable 1068(1000-1300) wheel Base (mm) 1460 1510 1980 1900 Min Land Clearance(mm) 225(240) 235(242) 240 235 Gear shifts ... -
tractor factory-1
Specifications Model Mini Horsepower 12 15 16 Wheel Drive 4 ×2 Wheel type Dimension(L*W*H)mm 2100× 1350× 1250/2200×900× 1 100 Weight (kg) 550 Rated traction force(kn) 2.9/3/3.2 Net weight(kg) 600 Front wheel Tread(mm 700-1100/1100-1300 adjustable Rear wheel Tread ( mm 700-1100/1100-1300 adjustable wheel Base (mm) 1080/ 1150 Tyre Size 500-12/650-16 Engine specification Brand XT Rated Power (kW) 8.82 1 1.02 1 1.76 Rated Revolution(r/min) 2200 Transmission... -
tractor factory-11
Specifications Model NBS NBB Horsepower 35 45 50 60 70 Wheel Drive 4 ×4 (4×2) Dimension(L*W*H)mm 3790× 1590×2035 3790× 1620×2130 Weight (kg) 1970 - 2105 2120 -2210 Front wheel Tread (mm) 1300 Rear Wheel (mm) 1300、1400、1500 adjustable wheel Base (mm) 2105 (1970) 2035 (2030) Min Land Clearance(mm) 300 (350) 345 (380) Gear shifts 8F+2R Tyre Size 1 1.2-24/6.50-16 (5.50 16) 11.2-28/7.50-16(/6.00-16) Rated Power (kW) 25.7 33. 1 36.7 44. 1 51.5 ... -
tractor factory-2
Specifications Model TY Horsepower 30 35 40 45 50 60 Wheel Drive 4 ×4 (4×2) Dimension(L*W*H)mm 3350× 1500× 1860 Weight(KG) 1210 -1500 Front Wheel Tread (mm) 970、1200 、1300 adjustable Rear Wheel Tread (mm) 1000、1200、1300 unlimited adjustable Wheel Base(mm) 1750 Min Land Clearance(mm) 330 (340) Gear Shifts 8F+2R Tyre Size 9.5-24 / 650-16 (9.5-24 / 550-16) Engine specification Brand JD / LD / XC / QC / WEICHAI Type water cooled ,vertical ,4 stroke and direc... -
tractor factory-12
Specifications Model TB Horsepower 60 70 80 Wheel Drive 4 ×4 (4×2) Dimension(L*W*H)mm 3900× 1700×2500 Weight (kg) 2700 Front wheel Tread ( mm 1265 Rear Wheel (mm) 1312 、1376、1408 、1496 or 1300-1500 adjustable wheel Base (mm) 2072 (2070) Min Land Clearance(mm) 410 (425) Gear shifts 12F+12R Tyre Size 8.3-20/ 14.9-28 Engine specification Brand WEICHAI/YTO/JD/LD/QC Type water cooled ,Vertical,4 stroke and Direct injection Rated Power (kW) 44.1 51.5 ... -
tractor factory-3
Specifications Model OG Horsepower 40 45 50 60 70 80 Wheel Drive 4 ×4 (4×2) Dimension(L*W*H)mm 2500× 1200× 1 100 2620× 1250× 1 160 3655× 1420×2120 Weight (kg) 1020-1210 1250-1290 1610 1640 Front wheel Tread (mm) 970, 1200, 1300 adjustable 1000, 1200, 1300 adjustable 1093 1070 Rear Wheel (mm) 1000-1300 unlimited adjustable 1000、1200 、1300 adjustable 1068(1000-1300) wheel Base (mm) 1460 1510 1980 1900 Min Land Clearance(mm) 225(240) 235(242) 240 235 Gear shifts ... -
tractor factory-13
Specifications Model TD Horsepower 85 95 1 10 120 150 wheel Drive 4 ×4 (4×2) Dimension(L*W*H)mm 4530×2050×2930 (4530× 1980×2630) Weight (kg) 3690~3840 Front wheel Tread (mm) 1490、1580、1650 、1740 adjustable Rear Wheel (mm) 1520、1620、1740 、1850 adjustable wheel Base (mm) 2195 (1970) Min Land Clearance ( mm 405 (390) Gear shifts 16F+8R Tyre Size 16.9-34/ 12.4-24 (14.9-30/8.3-20) Engine Specification Brand QC / YTO / WEICHAI Type water cooled... -
tractor factory-4
Specifications Model NBS NBB Horsepower 35 45 50 60 70 Wheel Drive 4 ×4 (4×2) Dimension(L*W*H)mm 3790× 1590×2035 3790× 1620×2130 Weight (kg) 1970 - 2105 2120 -2210 Front wheel Tread (mm) 1300 Rear Wheel (mm) 1300、1400、1500 adjustable wheel Base (mm) 2105 (1970) 2035 (2030) Min Land Clearance(mm) 300 (350) 345 (380) Gear shifts 8F+2R Tyre Size 1 1.2-24/6.50-16 (5.50 16) 11.2-28/7.50-16(/6.00-16) Rated Power (kW) 25.7 33. 1 36.7 44. 1 51.5 ... -
tractor factory-14
Specifications Model TF Horsepower 130 140 150 160 180 wheel Drive 4 ×4 Dimension(L*W*H)mm 5060×2345×2940 Weight (kg) 5700 Front wheel Tread (mm) 1784、1792、1912 、1954、2074 、2082、2202 Rear Wheel (mm) 1650~2285 1620~2420 wheel Base (mm) 2582 Min Land Clearance ( mm 480 (front Axle) Gear shifts 16F+8R Tyre Size 14.9-26/ 18.4-38 Engine Specification Brand YTO / WEICHAI Type water cooled ,Vertical,4 stroke and Direct injection Rated Power (kW) 95.... -
tractor factory-5
Specifications Model TB Horsepower 60 70 80 Wheel Drive 4 ×4 (4×2) Dimension(L*W*H)mm 3900× 1700×2500 Weight (kg) 2700 Front wheel Tread ( mm 1265 Rear Wheel (mm) 1312 、1376、1408 、1496 or 1300-1500 adjustable wheel Base (mm) 2072 (2070) Min Land Clearance(mm) 410 (425) Gear shifts 12F+12R Tyre Size 8.3-20/ 14.9-28 Engine specification Brand WEICHAI/YTO/JD/LD/QC Type water cooled ,Vertical,4 stroke and Direct injection Rated Power (kW) 44.1 51.5 ... -
tractor factory-15
Specifications Model TG Horsepower 180 210 240 Wheel Drive 4 ×4 Dimension(L*W*H)mm 5400×2480×3180 Weight (kg) 7750 (Dual tyre 8200) Front wheel Tread ( mm 1990 Rear Wheel (mm) 1740 (Singular tyre1740 - 1820, 2420 Dual tyre) wheel Base (mm) 2758 2890 Min Land Clearance(mm) 430 Rear traction Gear shifts 16F+16R Tyre Size 20.8-38/ 14.9-28 Engine Specification Brand WEICHAI Type water cooled ,Vertical,4 stroke and Direct injection Rated Power (kW) 132.4 154.... -
tractor factory-6
Specifications Model TD Horsepower 85 95 1 10 120 150 wheel Drive 4 ×4 (4×2) Dimension(L*W*H)mm 4530×2050×2930 (4530× 1980×2630) Weight (kg) 3690~3840 Front wheel Tread (mm) 1490、1580、1650 、1740 adjustable Rear Wheel (mm) 1520、1620、1740 、1850 adjustable wheel Base (mm) 2195 (1970) Min Land Clearance ( mm 405 (390) Gear shifts 16F+8R Tyre Size 16.9-34/ 12.4-24 (14.9-30/8.3-20) Engine Specification Brand QC / YTO / WEICHAI Type water cooled...